Sunday, June 17, 2007

StyleLife Challenge

Stylelife Challenge
PDF/Mp3 | 200 mb

Not all guys can be suave with the ladies like a James Bond or a John Biggs (they have the same initials!). At least, not without training.

If you’re still a virgin, if you’ve never had a girlfriend, if you’re recovering from a nasty breakup, if you’re terminally shy, if you’re suffering through a long dry spell, or if you’re a HARD CASE, it’s time to change your lifestyle. Here is my challenge to you: Get a Date in 31 Days.

I want you to succeed. In fact, I am going to hold your hand and walk you through every step along the way. Why am I doing this? Because it’s fun, and it helps the guys who need it most.

Although the contest is a week in already, if you need a little assistance to get you over the hump of getting your first (or first in a while) date, take a look at the Stylelife challenge. You’ve got nothing to lose, and you get to possibly win something to do with an airplane. Being pushed out of one?

About Stylelife Academy

The World's 1st "Online Academy for Attraction"

The Stylelife Academy was founded by Neil Strauss (aka Style) as the world's 1st "Online Academy for Attraction". The Academy's personalized attraction and motivation programs and coaching instruct each member to succeed in challenging love and life situations, helps them realize life's full potential and succeed in meeting, attracting, and keeping the women of their dreams.

Stylelife Academy is the only complete Self-Improvement-System that is personalized for each member to unbury and shape his best self at his own pace. It delivers exclusively the latest exercises and material, the most knowledgeable and experienced teachers to each individual member.

Using Stylelife Academy's website new members complete a personal profile questionnaire to determine their tailored program and coaching. Based on these results they are offered a personalized improvement plan that provides them with daily knowledge, missions, demonstrations and advice that fits their lifestyle, experience level and pace.

To ensure success, members have access to an exclusive Stylelife Community through which they can garner real-time motivation and support from Stylelife's on-staff experts and member peers.

History of the Stylelife Academy

School teaches reading, writing, and arithmetic, but unless you are the Captain of the Football Team, your skills in attracting and seducing the most beautiful women is beyond your capabilities. With the advent of the Internet, an Underground Community of leaders sprung-up; developing theories, techniques, and strategies to turn wimps into pimps, so that the Head Cheerleader could be within anyone's league.

Neil Strauss, a dateless writer, took two years of his life to uncover the secrets of the underground society of "pickup artists". He placed himself under the tutelage of the seduction gurus, learned the skills, and transformed himself into a fully fledged Ladies Man with a new name, "Style". Strauss chronicled his social metamorphosis in the international New York Times best-selling book, "The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists" which has brought this rogue men's movement into the lime-light.

Style, now one of the greatest attraction and seduction experts in the world, has taught attraction and seduction workshops around the globe with Mystery and others, and the demand for his teachings spawned a complete course that was released only to a closed inner-circle. He thought that would be the conclusion of his role in the Seduction Community, but he was wrong. Every day hordes of men awaken, finding themselves in that same dateless, awkward, lonely rut that Neil himself once was in and are looking for a way to find social success in their intimate relationships.

Fast forward to 2006: In an attempt to help many men at once, Style invented the "Stylelife Challenge": For 30 days he gave 30 assignments to over 15.000 apprentices who had signed up to take the challenge and "Get-a-Date" in 30 days. The enormous demand for this revolutionary concept also showed some weaknesses: The One-Size-Fits nature did not consider the different lifestyles, experiences levels and the pace of each apprentice. It did not work for many people, because they missed the beginning and couldn't catch up, or they had not enough time and couldn't keep up.

The idea for the Stylelife Academy evolved where each member is provided with a personalized complete program and coaching that fits his lifestyle, experience and pace.

Today, Style has created a "Distance Learning Academy" delivering the most complete and comprehensive system and hired a team of full-time coaches. The Stylelife Academy is the next logical step in the evolution of attraction arts and sciences. Through it's personalized coaching faculty, headed by Style himself, it's mission is to teach the skills needed to date the most beautiful women in the world. In addition to transforming your Inner Game with winning attitudes, beliefs, and convictions the Stylelife Academy equips members with complete Outer Game skills: the field-tested scripts, proven routines, and step-by-step instructions you need to take your game to the next level.

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part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4

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